
J Minshull, A Murray, A Colman, and T Hunt. 1991. “Xenopus oocyte maturation does not require new cyclin synthesis.” J Cell Biol, 114, 4, Pp. 767-72. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Progesterone induces fully grown, stage VI, Xenopus oocytes to pass through meiosis I and arrest in metaphase of meiosis II. Protein synthesis is required twice in this process: in order to activate maturation promoting factor (MPF) which induces meiosis I, and then again after the completion of meiosis I to reactivate MPF in order to induce meiosis II. We have used antisense oligonucleotides to destroy maternal stores of cyclin mRNAs, and demonstrate that new cyclin synthesis is not required for entry into either meiosis I or II. This finding is consistent with the demonstration that stage VI oocytes contain a store of B-type cyclin polypeptides (Kobayashi, H., J. Minshull, C. Ford, R. Golsteyn, R. Poon, and T. Hunt. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 114:755-765). Although approximately 70% of cyclin B2 is destroyed at first meiosis, the surviving fraction, together with a larger pool of surviving cyclin B1, must be sufficient to allow the reactivation of MPF and induce entry into second meiotic metaphase. Since stage VI oocytes do not contain any cyclin A, our results show that cyclin A is not required for meiosis in Xenopus. We discuss the possible nature of the proteins whose synthesis is required to induce meiosis I and II.
A Murray. 1990. “Telomeres. All's well that ends well.” Nature, 346, 6287, Pp. 797-8. Publisher's Version
AW Murray. 1989. “The cell cycle.” American Zoologist, 29, 2, Pp. 511-522 . Publisher's Version
AW Murray. 1989. “Cell biology: the cell cycle as a cdc2 cycle.” Nature, 342, 6245, Pp. 14-5. Publisher's Version
AW Murray. 1989. “Cyclin synthesis and degradation and the embryonic cell cycle.” J Cell Sci Suppl, 12, Pp. 65-76. Publisher's VersionAbstract
I discuss recent advances in the study of somatic and embryonic cell cycles. In the frog embryonic cell cycle, cyclin is the only newly synthesized protein required to activate maturation-promoting factor and induce mitosis. Diminishing the rate of cyclin synthesis increases the length of interphase. Cyclin degradation is required for the progression from mitosis to interphase. Comparison of the frog embryonic cell cycle to other cell cycles suggests that all cell cycles will rely on the same closely conserved set of components. However, the component that is rate-limiting for any step in the cell cycle will vary in different cell cycles.
AW Murray and MW Kirschner. 1989. “Cyclin synthesis drives the early embryonic cell cycle.” Nature, 339, 6222, Pp. 275-80. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We have produced extracts of frog eggs that can perform multiple cell cycles in vitro. Destruction of the endogenous messenger RNA arrests the extracts in interphase. The addition of exogenous cyclin mRNA is sufficient to produce multiple cell cycles. The newly synthesized cyclin protein accumulates during each interphase and is degraded at the end of each mitosis.
AW Murray and MW Kirschner. 1989. “Dominoes and clocks: the union of two views of the cell cycle.” Science, 246, 4930, Pp. 614-21. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We review the recent advances in understanding transitions within the cell cycle. These have come from both genetic and biochemical approaches. We discuss the phylogenetic conservation of the mechanisms that induce mitosis and their implications for other transitions in the cell cycle.
AW Murray, MJ Solomon, and MW Kirschner. 1989. “The role of cyclin synthesis and degradation in the control of maturation promoting factor activity.” Nature, 339, 6222, Pp. 280-6. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We show that cyclin plays a pivotal role in the control of mitosis. A proteolysis-resistant mutant of cyclin prevents the inactivation of maturation promoting factor and the exit from mitosis both in vivo and in vitro. We have used a fractionated extract to study the activation of MPF by added cyclin protein.
AW Murray, TE Claus, and JW Szostak. 1988. “Characterization of two telomeric DNA processing reactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Mol Cell Biol, 8, 11, Pp. 4642-50. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We have investigated two reactions that occur on telomeric sequences introduced into Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells by transformation. The elongation reaction added repeats of the yeast telomeric sequence C1-3A to telomeric sequences at the end of linear DNA molecules. The reaction worked on the Tetrahymena telomeric sequence C4A2 and also on the simple repeat CA. The reaction was orientation specific: it occurred only when the GT-rich strand ran 5' to 3' towards the end of the molecule. Telomere elongation occurred by non-template-directed DNA synthesis rather than any type of recombination with chromosomal telomeres, because C1-3A repeats could be added to unrelated DNA sequences between the CA-rich repeats and the terminus of the transforming DNA. The elongation reaction was very efficient, and we believe that it was responsible for maintaining an average telomere length despite incomplete replication by template-directed DNA polymerase. The resolution reaction processed a head-to-head inverted repeat of telomeric sequences into two new telomeres at a frequency of 10(-2) per cell division.
AW Murray. 1988. “A mitotic inducer matures.” Nature, 335, 6187, Pp. 207-8. Publisher's Version
AW Murray and JW Szostak. 1987. “Artificial chromosomes.” Sci Am, 257, 5, Pp. 62-8. Publisher's Version
AW Murray. 1987. “Cell biology. Cyclins in meiosis and mitosis.” Nature, 326, 6113, Pp. 542-3. Publisher's Version
AW Murray. 1987. “Cell cycle control. A cycle is a cycle is a cycle.” Nature, 327, 6117, Pp. 14-5. Publisher's Version
CI Pretzman, Y Rikihisa, D Ralph, JC Gordon, and S Bech-Nielsen. 1987. “Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Potomac horse fever disease.” J Clin Microbiol, 25, 1, Pp. 31-6. Publisher's VersionAbstract
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM in natural and experimental infections of equids with Ehrlichia risticii was developed. Ehrlichial organisms purified from an infected mouse macrophage cell line were used as the antigen. IgM was separated from serum IgG by the expedient of spun-column chromatography, allowing the use of an indirect ELISA for quantitation of both IgG and IgM in the test sera. Among 16 paired sera from horses exhibiting clinical signs of Potomac horse fever, 8 were positive by the indirect fluorescent-antibody test (IFA), 11 were positive by the IgG ELISA, and 8 were positive by the IgM ELISA. All IFA-positive specimens were positive by the IgG ELISA, which appeared to be more sensitive than the IFA. In all cases, the IgG ELISA alone would have sufficed for diagnosis when acute- and convalescent-phase sera were available. When 26 single acute- or convalescent-phase serum samples were tested, the IFA detected 8, the IgG ELISA detected 10, and the IgM ELISA detected 6 positive serum specimens. The kinetics of IgG and IgM responses as determined by ELISA in two experimentally infected ponies which survived infection and challenges revealed that specific IgM was short-lived, falling to undetectable levels by day 60 postinoculation, whereas specific IgG persisted for more than 1 year. IgM and IgG were detected as early as days 1 and 10, respectively, postinoculation. The results suggest that the ELISA is more sensitive than the IFA and that the IgM ELISA may provide a means for early diagnosis of Potomac horse fever at or before the onset of clinical signs.
AE Reynolds, AW Murray, and JW Szostak. 1987. “Roles of the 2 microns gene products in stable maintenance of the 2 microns plasmid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Mol Cell Biol, 7, 10, Pp. 3566-73. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We have examined the replication and segregation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2 microns circle. The amplification of the plasmid at low copy numbers requires site-specific recombination between the 2 microns inverted repeat sequences catalyzed by the plasmid-encoded FLP gene. No other 2 microns gene products are required. The overexpression of FLP in a strain carrying endogenous 2 microns leads to uncontrolled plasmid replication, longer cell cycles, and cell death. Two different assays show that the level of Flp activity decreases with increasing 2 microns copy number. This regulation requires the products of the REP1 and REP2 genes. These gene products also act together to ensure that 2 microns molecules are randomly segregated between mother and daughter cells at cell division.
DS Dawson, AW Murray, and JW Szostak. 1986. “An alternative pathway for meiotic chromosome segregation in yeast.” Science, 234, 4777, Pp. 713-7. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In meiosis I of most organisms, homologous chromosomes pair, recombine, and then segregate to opposite poles of the cell. Crossing-over is normally necessary to ensure the proper segregation of the homologs. Recently developed techniques have made it possible to study meiosis with highly defined artificial chromosomes. These techniques were used to demonstrate the existence of a system capable of segregating pairs of nonrecombined artificial chromosomes, regardless of the extent of their sequence homology. This system may contribute to the high fidelity of meiosis by mediating the segregation of pairs of natural chromosomes that have failed to recombine.
AW Murray, NP Schultes, and JW Szostak. 1986. “Chromosome length controls mitotic chromosome segregation in yeast.” Cell, 45, 4, Pp. 529-36. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We have examined the effect of physical length on the mitotic segregation of artificial chromosomes and fragments of natural yeast chromosomes. Increasing the length of artificial chromosomes decreases the rate at which they are lost during mitosis. We have made fragments of chromosome III by integrating new telomeres at different positions along the length of the chromosome. Chromosome fragments of 42 and 72 kb behave like artificial chromosomes: they are lost in mitosis much more frequently than natural chromosomes. In contrast, a chromosome fragment of 150 kb is as mitotically stable as the full-length chromosome from which it is derived. The structural instability of a short dicentric artificial chromosome demonstrates that, although short artificial chromosomes segregate poorly in mitosis, they do attach to the mitotic spindle. We discuss these results in the context of a model in which chromosome segregation is directed by the intercatenation of the segregating DNA molecules.
AW Murray and JW Szostak. 1986. “Construction and behavior of circularly permuted and telocentric chromosomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Mol Cell Biol, 6, 9, Pp. 3166-72. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We developed techniques that allow us to construct novel variants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes. These modified chromosomes have precisely determined structures. A metacentric derivative of chromosome III which lacks the telomere-associated X and Y' elements, which are found at the telomeres of most yeast chromosomes, behaves normally in both mitosis and meiosis. We made a circularly permuted telocentric version of yeast chromosome III whose closest telomere was 33 kilobases from the centromere. This telocentric chromosome was lost at a frequency of 1.6 X 10(-5) per cell compared with a frequency of 4.0 X 10(-6) for the natural metacentric version of chromosome III. An extremely telocentric chromosome whose closet telomere was only 3.5 kilobases from the centromere was lost at a frequency of 6.0 X 10(-5). The mitotic stability of telocentric chromosomes shows that the very high frequency of nondisjunction observed for short linear artificial chromosomes is not due to inadequate centromere-telomere separation.
AW Murray and JW Szostak. 1985. “Chromosome segregation in mitosis and meiosis.” Annu Rev Cell Biol, 1, Pp. 289-315. Publisher's Version
AW Murray. 1985. “Chromosome structure and behavior.” Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 10, 3, Pp. 112-115. Publisher's Version
