
In Press
Piyush Nanda, Julien Barrere, Thomas LaBar, and Andrew W Murray. In Press. “Multicellular growth as a dynamic network of cells.” Current Biology.Abstract

Cell division without cell separation produces multicellular clusters in budding yeast. Two fundamental characteristics of these clusters are their size (the number of cells per cluster) and cellular composition: the fractions of cells with different phenotypes. However, we do not understand how different cellular features quantitatively influence these two phenotypes. Using cells as nodes and links between mother and daughter cells as edges, we model cluster growth and breakage by varying three parameters: the cell division rate, the rate at which intercellular connections break, and the kissing number (the maximum number of connections to one cell). We find that the kissing number sets the maximum possible cluster size. Below this limit, the ratio of the cell division rate to the connection breaking rate determines the cluster size. If links have a constant probability of breaking per unit time, the probability that a link survives decreases exponentially with its age. Modeling this behavior recapitulates experimental data. We then use this framework to examine synthetic,  differentiating clusters with two cell types, faster-growing germ cells and their somatic derivatives. The fraction of clusters that contain both cell types increases as either of two parameters increase: the kissing number and difference between the growth rate of germ and somatic cells. In a population of clusters, the variation in cellular composition is inversely correlated (r2=0.87) with the average fraction of somatic cells in clusters. Our results show how a small number of cellular features can control the phenotypes of multicellular clusters that were potentially the ancestors of more complex forms of multicellular development, organization, and reproduction.


Sriram Srikant, Rachelle Gaudet, and Andrew W Murray. 10/9/2023. “Extending the reach of homology by using successive computational filters to find yeast pheromone genes.” Current Biology, 33, 19, Pp. 4098-4110. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The mating of fungi depends on pheromones that mediate communication between two mating types. Most species use short peptides as pheromones, which are either unmodified (e.g., a-factor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) or C-terminally farnesylated (e.g., a-factor in S. cerevisiae). Peptide pheromones have been found by genetics or biochemistry in a small number of fungi, but their short sequences and modest conservation make it impossible to detect homologous sequences in most species. To overcome this problem, we used a four-step computational pipeline to identify candidate a-factor genes in sequenced genomes of the Saccharomycotina, the fungal clade that contains most of the yeasts: we require that candidate genes have a C-terminal prenylation motif, are fewer than 100 amino acids long, contain a proteolytic processing motif upstream of the potential mature pheromone sequence, and that closely related species contain highly conserved homologs of the potential mature pheromone sequence. Additional manual curation exploits the observation that many species carry more than one a-factor gene, encoding identical or nearly identical pheromones. From 332 Saccharomycotina genomes, we identified strong candidate pheromone genes in 241 genomes, covering 13 clades that are each separated from each other by at least 100 million years, the time required for evolution to remove detectable sequence homology among small pheromone genes. For one small clade, the Yarrowia, we demonstrated that our algorithm found the a-factor genes: deleting all four related genes in the a-mating type of Yarrowia lipolytica prevents mating.

Julien Barrere, Piyush Nanda, and Andrew W Murray. 4/4/2023. “Alternating selection for dispersal and multicellularity favors regulated life cycles.” Current Biology, 33, 9, Pp. 1809-1817. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The evolution of complex multicellularity opened paths to increased morphological diversity and organizational novelty. This transition involved three processes: cells remained attached to one another to form groups, cells within these groups differentiated to perform different tasks, and the groups evolved new reproductive strategies ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"0OvDkK4g","properties":{"formattedCitation":"\\super 1\\uc0\\u8211{}5\\nosupersub{}","plainCitation":"1–5","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":824,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":824,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Benefits of increased size and functional specialization of cells have repeatedly promoted the evolution of multicellular organisms from unicellular ancestors. Many requirements for multicellular organization (cell adhesion, cell-cell communication and coordination, programmed cell death) likely evolved in ancestral unicellular organisms. However, the evolution of multicellular organisms from unicellular ancestors may be opposed by genetic conflicts that arise when mutant cell lineages promote their own increase at the expense of the integrity of the multicellular organism. Numerous defenses limit such genetic conflicts, perhaps the most important being development from a unicell, which minimizes conflicts from selection among cell lineages, and redistributes genetic variation arising within multicellular individuals between individuals. With a unicellular bottleneck, defecting cell lineages rarely succeed beyond the life span of the multicellular individual. When multicellularity arises through aggregation of scattered cells or when multicellular organisms fuse to form genetic chimeras, there are more opportunities for propagation of defector cell lineages. Intraorganismal competition may partly explain why multicellular organisms that develop by aggregation generally exhibit less differentiation than organisms that develop clonally.","container-title":"Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics","DOI":"10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.36.102403.114735","issue":"1","page":"621-654","source":"Annual Reviews","title":"The Evolution of Multicellularity: A Minor Major Transition?","title-short":"The Evolution of Multicellularity","volume":"38","author":[{"family":"Grosberg","given":"Richard K."},{"family":"Strathmann","given":"Richard R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":840,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":840,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Over 600 million years ago, animals evolved from a unicellular or colonial organism whose cell(s) captured bacteria with a collar complex, a flagellum surrounded by a microvillar collar. Using principles from evolutionary cell biology, we reason that the transition to multicellularity required modification of pre-existing mechanisms for extracellular matrix synthesis and cytokinesis. We discuss two hypotheses for the origin of animal cell types: division of labor from ancient plurifunctional cells and conversion of temporally alternating phenotypes into spatially juxtaposed cell types. Mechanistic studies in diverse animals and their relatives promise to deepen our understanding of animal origins and cell biology.","container-title":"Developmental Cell","DOI":"10.1016/j.devcel.2017.09.016","ISSN":"1534-5807","issue":"2","journalAbbreviation":"Developmental Cell","page":"124-140","source":"ScienceDirect","title":"The Origin of Animal Multicellularity and Cell Differentiation","volume":"43","author":[{"family":"Brunet","given":"Thibaut"},{"family":"King","given":"Nicole"}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":1001,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":1001,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Simple multicellularity has evolved numerous times within the Eukarya, but complex multicellular organisms belong to only six clades: animals, embryophytic land plants, florideophyte red algae, laminarialean brown algae, and two groups of fungi. Phylogeny and genomics suggest a generalized trajectory for the evolution of complex multicellularity, beginning with the co-optation of existing genes for adhesion. Molecular channels to facilitate cell-cell transfer of nutrients and signaling molecules appear to be critical, as this trait occurs in all complex multicellular organisms but few others. Proliferation of gene families for transcription factors and cell signals accompany the key functional innovation of complex multicellular clades: differentiated cells and tissues for the bulk transport of oxygen, nutrients, and molecular signals that enable organisms to circumvent the physical limitations of diffusion. The fossil records of animals and plants document key stages of this trajectory.","container-title":"Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences","DOI":"10.1146/","issue":"1","page":"217-239","source":"Annual Reviews","title":"The Multiple Origins of Complex Multicellularity","volume":"39","author":[{"family":"Knoll","given":"Andrew H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":2527,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":2527,"type":"book","abstract":"Within a single captivating narrative, John Bonner combines an intensely personal memoir of scientific progress and an overview of what we now know about living things. Bonner, a major participant in the development of biology as an experimental science, draws on his life-long study of slime molds for an understanding of the life cycle-the foundation of all biology. In an age of increasing specialization and fragmentation among subfields of biology, this is a unique work of reflection and integration.  Originally published in 1995.  ThePrinceton Legacy Libraryuses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These paperback editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.","publisher":"Princeton University Press","source":"JSTOR","title":"Life Cycles: Reflections of an Evolutionary Biologist","title-short":"Life Cycles","URL":"","author":[{"family":"BONNER","given":"JOHN TYLER"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":},"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":1018,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":1018,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"The volvocine algae provide an unrivalled opportunity to explore details of an evolutionary pathway leading from a unicellular ancestor to multicellular organisms with a division of labor between different cell types. Members of this monophyletic group of green flagellates range in complexity from unicellular Chlamydomonas through a series of extant organisms of intermediate size and complexity to Volvox, a genus of spherical organisms that have thousands of cells and a germ-soma division of labor. It is estimated that these organisms all shared a common ancestor about 50 +/- 20 MYA. Here we outline twelve important ways in which the developmental repertoire of an ancestral unicell similar to modern C. reinhardtii was modified to produce first a small colonial organism like Gonium that was capable of swimming directionally, then a sequence of larger organisms (such as Pandorina, Eudorina and Pleodorina) in which there was an increasing tendency to differentiate two cell types, and eventually Volvox carteri with its complete germ-soma division of labor.","container-title":"BioEssays: News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology","DOI":"10.1002/bies.20197","ISSN":"0265-9247","issue":"3","journalAbbreviation":"Bioessays","language":"eng","note":"PMID: 15714559","page":"299-310","source":"PubMed","title":"A twelve-step program for evolving multicellularity and a division of labor","volume":"27","author":[{"family":"Kirk","given":"David L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}}],"schema":"} 1–5. Recent experiments identified selective pressures and mutations that can drive the emergence of simple multicellularity and cell differentiation ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"n1T1fxsM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"\\super 6\\uc0\\u8211{}11\\nosupersub{}","plainCitation":"6–11","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":810,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":810,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Multicellularity was one of the most significant innovations in the history of life, but its initial evolution remains poorly understood. Using experimental evolution, we show that key steps in this transition could have occurred quickly. We subjected the unicellular yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to an environment in which we expected multicellularity to be adaptive. We observed the rapid evolution of clustering genotypes that display a novel multicellular life history characterized by reproduction via multicellular propagules, a juvenile phase, and determinate growth. The multicellular clusters are uniclonal, minimizing within-cluster genetic conflicts of interest. Simple among-cell division of labor rapidly evolved. Early multicellular strains were composed of physiologically similar cells, but these subsequently evolved higher rates of programmed cell death (apoptosis), an adaptation that increases propagule production. These results show that key aspects of multicellular complexity, a subject of central importance to biology, can readily evolve from unicellular eukaryotes.","container-title":"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","DOI":"10.1073/pnas.1115323109","ISSN":"0027-8424, 1091-6490","issue":"5","journalAbbreviation":"PNAS","language":"en","license":"©  . Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.","note":"PMID: 22307617","page":"1595-1600","source":"","title":"Experimental evolution of multicellularity","volume":"109","author":[{"family":"Ratcliff","given":"William C."},{"family":"Denison","given":"R. Ford"},{"family":"Borrello","given":"Mark"},{"family":"Travisano","given":"Michael"}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":896,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":896,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"We do not know how or why multicellularity evolved. We used the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to ask whether nutrients that must be digested extracellularly select for the evolution of undifferentiated multicellularity. Because yeast use invertase to hydrolyze sucrose extracellularly and import the resulting monosaccharides, single cells cannot grow at low cell and sucrose concentrations. Three engineered strategies overcame this problem: forming multicellular clumps, importing sucrose before hydrolysis, and increasing invertase expression. We evolved populations in low sucrose to ask which strategy they would adopt. Of 12 successful clones, 11 formed multicellular clumps through incomplete cell separation, 10 increased invertase expression, none imported sucrose, and 11 increased hexose transporter expression, a strategy we had not engineered. Identifying causal mutations revealed genes and pathways, which frequently contributed to the evolved phenotype. Our study shows that combining rational design with experimental evolution can help evaluate hypotheses about evolutionary strategies.","container-title":"eLife","DOI":"10.7554/eLife.00367","ISSN":"2050-084X","page":"e00367","source":"eLife","title":"Improved use of a public good selects for the evolution of undifferentiated multicellularity","volume":"2","author":[{"family":"Koschwanez","given":"John H"},{"family":"Foster","given":"Kevin R"},{"family":"Murray","given":"Andrew W"}],"editor":[{"family":"Tautz","given":"Diethard"}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":833,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":833,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Many multicellular organisms produce two cell lineages: germ cells, whose descendants produce the next generation, and somatic cells, which support, protect, and disperse the germ cells. This germ-soma demarcation has evolved independently in dozens of multicellular taxa but is absent in unicellular species. A common explanation holds that in these organisms, inefficient intercellular nutrient exchange compels the fitness cost of producing nonreproductive somatic cells to outweigh any potential benefits. We propose instead that the absence of unicellular, soma-producing populations reflects their susceptibility to invasion by nondifferentiating mutants that ultimately eradicate the soma-producing lineage. We argue that multicellularity can prevent the victory of such mutants by giving germ cells preferential access to the benefits conferred by somatic cells. The absence of natural unicellular, soma-producing species previously prevented these hypotheses from being directly tested in vivo: to overcome this obstacle, we engineered strains of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that differ only in the presence or absence of multicellularity and somatic differentiation, permitting direct comparisons between organisms with different lifestyles. Our strains implement the essential features of irreversible conversion from germ line to soma, reproductive division of labor, and clonal multicellularity while maintaining sufficient generality to permit broad extension of our conclusions. Our somatic cells can provide fitness benefits that exceed the reproductive costs of their production, even in unicellular strains. We find that nondifferentiating mutants overtake unicellular populations but are outcompeted by multicellular, soma-producing strains, suggesting that multicellularity confers evolutionary stability to somatic differentiation.","container-title":"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","DOI":"10.1073/pnas.1608278113","ISSN":"0027-8424, 1091-6490","issue":"30","journalAbbreviation":"PNAS","language":"en","license":"©  . Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.","note":"PMID: 27402737","page":"8362-8367","source":"","title":"Multicellularity makes somatic differentiation evolutionarily stable","volume":"113","author":[{"family":"Wahl","given":"Mary E."},{"family":"Murray","given":"Andrew W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":2504,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":2504,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Volvox has two cell types: mortal somatic cells and immortal germ cells. Here we describe the transposon-tagging, cloning and characterization of regA, which plays a central role as a master regulatory gene in Volvox germ-soma differentiation by suppressing reproductive activities in somatic cells. The 12.5 kb regA transcription unit generates a 6,725 nucleotide mRNA that appears at the beginning of somatic cell differentiation, and that encodes a 111 kDa RegA protein that localizes to the nucleus, and has an unusual abundance of alanine, glutamine and proline. This is a compositional feature shared by functional domains of many ‘active’ repressors. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that RegA acts in somatic cells to repress transcription of genes required for growth and reproduction, including 13 genes whose products are required for chloroplast biogenesis.","container-title":"Development","DOI":"10.1242/dev.126.4.639","ISSN":"0950-1991","issue":"4","journalAbbreviation":"Development","page":"639-647","source":"Silverchair","title":"regA, a Volvox gene that plays a central role in germ-soma differentiation, encodes a novel regulatory protein","volume":"126","author":[{"family":"Kirk","given":"M.M."},{"family":"Stark","given":"K."},{"family":"Miller","given":"S.M."},{"family":"Muller","given":"W."},{"family":"Taillon","given":"B.E."},{"family":"Gruber","given":"H."},{"family":"Schmitt","given":"R."},{"family":"Kirk","given":"D.L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":2529,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":2529,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"PLoS biology","issue":"3","note":"publisher: Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA","page":"e3001551","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Regulation of sedimentation rate shapes the evolution of multicellularity in a close unicellular relative of animals","volume":"20","author":[{"family":"Dudin","given":"Omaya"},{"family":"Wielgoss","given":"Sébastien"},{"family":"New","given":"Aaron M."},{"family":"Ruiz-Trillo","given":"Iñaki"}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}},{"id":1309,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":1309,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Laboratory evolution of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in bioreactor batch cultures yielded variants that grow as multicellular, fast-sedimenting clusters. Knowledge of the molecular basis of this phenomenon may contribute to the understanding of natural evolution of multicellularity and to manipulating cell sedimentation in laboratory and industrial applications of S. cerevisiae. Multicellular, fast-sedimenting lineages obtained from a haploid S. cerevisiae strain in two independent evolution experiments were analyzed by whole genome resequencing. The two evolved cell lines showed different frameshift mutations in a stretch of eight adenosines in ACE2, which encodes a transcriptional regulator involved in cell cycle control and mother-daughter cell separation. Introduction of the two ace2 mutant alleles into the haploid parental strain led to slow-sedimenting cell clusters that consisted of just a few cells, thus representing only a partial reconstruction of the evolved phenotype. In addition to single-nucleotide mutations, a whole-genome duplication event had occurred in both evolved multicellular strains. Construction of a diploid reference strain with two mutant ace2 alleles led to complete reconstruction of the multicellular-fast sedimenting phenotype. This study shows that whole-genome duplication and a frameshift mutation in ACE2 are sufficient to generate a fast-sedimenting, multicellular phenotype in S. cerevisiae. The nature of the ace2 mutations and their occurrence in two independent evolution experiments encompassing fewer than 500 generations of selective growth suggest that switching between unicellular and multicellular phenotypes may be relevant for competitiveness of S. cerevisiae in natural environments.","container-title":"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","DOI":"10.1073/pnas.1305949110","ISSN":"0027-8424, 1091-6490","issue":"45","journalAbbreviation":"PNAS","language":"en","license":"©  . Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.","note":"PMID: 24145419","page":"E4223-E4231","source":"","title":"Genome duplication and mutations in ACE2 cause multicellular, fast-sedimenting phenotypes in evolved Saccharomyces cerevisiae","volume":"110","author":[{"family":"Oud","given":"Bart"},{"family":"Guadalupe-Medina","given":"Victor"},{"family":"Nijkamp","given":"Jurgen F."},{"family":"Ridder","given":"Dick","dropping-particle":"de"},{"family":"Pronk","given":"Jack T."},{"family":"Maris","given":"Antonius J. A.","dropping-particle":"van"},{"family":"Daran","given":"Jean-Marc"}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}}],"schema":"} 6–11 but the evolution of life cycles, in particular, how simple multicellular forms reproduce has been understudied. The selective pressure and mechanisms that produced a regular alternation between single cells and multicellular collectives are still unclear ADDIN ZOTERO_TEMP 12. To probe the factors regulating simple multicellular life cycles, we examined a collection of wild isolates of the budding yeast, S. cerevisiae ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"SqjupY1q","properties":{"formattedCitation":"\\super 12\\nosupersub{}","plainCitation":"12","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":2040,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":2040,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Saccharomyces cerevisiae has proved to be an invaluable model in classical and molecular genetics studies. Despite several hundreds of isolates already available, the scientific community relies on the use of only a handful of unrelated strains. The lack of sequence information, haploid derivatives and genetic markers has prevented novel strains from being used. Here, we release a set of 55 S. cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus genetically tractable strains, previously sequenced in the Saccharomyces Genome Resequencing Project. These strains are stable haploid derivatives and ura3 auxotrophs tagged with a 6-bp barcode, recognized by a restriction enzyme to allow easy identification. We show that the specific barcode can be used to accurately measure the prevalence of different strains during competition experiments. These strains are now amenable to a wide variety of genetic experiments and can be easily crossed with each other to create hybrids and segregants, providing a valuable resource for breeding programmes and quantitative genetic studies. Three versions of each strain (haploid Mat a and Mat alpha and diploid Mat a/alpha all as ura3::KanMX-Barcode) are available through the National Culture Yeast Collection.","container-title":"FEMS yeast research","DOI":"10.1111/j.1567-1364.2009.00583.x","ISSN":"1567-1364","issue":"8","journalAbbreviation":"FEMS Yeast Res","language":"eng","note":"PMID: 19840116","page":"1217-1225","source":"PubMed","title":"Generation of a large set of genetically tractable haploid and diploid Saccharomyces strains","volume":"9","author":[{"family":"Cubillos","given":"Francisco A."},{"family":"Louis","given":"Edward J."},{"family":"Liti","given":"Gianni"}],"issued":{"date-parts":}}}],"schema":"} 12. We found that all these strains can exist as multicellular clusters, a phenotype that is controlled by the mating type locus and strongly influenced by the nutritional environment. Inspired by this variation, we engineered inducible dispersal in a multicellular laboratory strain and demonstrated that a regulated life cycle has an advantage over constitutively single-celled or constitutively multicellular life cycles when the environment alternates between favoring intercellular cooperation (a low sucrose concentration) and dispersal (a patchy environment generated by emulsion). Our results suggest that simple multicellularity in wild isolates could be under selection and is regulated by their genetic composition and the environments they encounter and that alternating patterns of resource availability may have played a role in the evolution of life cycles.
Ibrahim M Sabbarini, Dvir Reif, Alexander J McQuown, Anjali R Nelliat, Jeffrey Prince, Britnie Santiago Membreno, Colin Chih-Chien Wu, Andrew W Murray, and Vladimir Denic. 1/19/2023. “Zinc Finger Protein Zpr1 is a bespoke chaperone essential for eEF1A biogenesis.” Molecular Cell, 83, 2, Pp. 252-265. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The conserved regulon of Heat Shock Factor 1 in budding yeast contains chaperones

for general protein folding as well as Zinc Finger Protein Zpr1, whose essential role in

archaea and eukaryotes remains unknown. Here, we show that Zpr1 depletion causes

acute proteotoxicity driven by biosynthesis of misfolded eukaryotic translation

elongation factor 1A (eEF1A). Prolonged Zpr1 depletion leads to loss of eEF1A thereby

inducing the integrated stress response and inhibiting protein synthesis. Strikingly, we

show using two distinct biochemical reconstitution approaches that Zpr1 enables

eEF1A to achieve a conformational state resistant to protease digestion. Lastly, we use

a ColabFold model of the Zpr1-eEF1A complex to reveal a folding mechanism

mediated by Zpr1’s zinc finger and alpha helical hairpin structures. Our work uncovers

the long sought-after function of Zpr1 as a bespoke chaperone for one of the most

abundant proteins in the cell.

Caroline M Weisman, Andrew W Murray, and Sean R Eddy. 6/20/2022. “Mixing genome annotation methods in a comparative analysis inflates the apparent number of lineage-specific genes.” Current Biology, 32, 12, Pp. 2632-2639. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Comparisons of genomes of different species are used to identify lineage-specific genes, those genes that appear unique to one species or clade. Lineage-specific genes are often thought to represent genetic novelty that underlies unique adaptations. Identification of these genes depends not only on genome sequences, but also on inferred gene annotations. Comparative analyses typically use available genomes that have been annotated using different methods, increasing the risk that orthologous DNA sequences may be erroneously annotated as a gene in one species but not another, appearing lineage specific as a result. To evaluate the impact of such “annotation heterogeneity,” we identified four clades of species with sequenced genomes with more than one publicly available gene annotation, allowing us to compare the number of lineage-specific genes inferred when differing annotation methods are used to those resulting when annotation method is uniform across the clade. In these case studies, annotation heterogeneity increases the apparent number of lineage-specific genes by up to 15-fold, suggesting that annotation heterogeneity is a substantial source of potential artifact.

Andrea Giometto, David R. Nelson, and Andrew W Murray. 12/6/2021. “Antagonism between killer yeast strains as an experimental model for biological nucleation dynamics.” eLife, 10, e62932. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Antagonistic interactions are widespread in the microbial world and affect microbial evolutionary dynamics. Natural microbial communities often display spatial structure, which affects biological interactions, but much of what we know about microbial warfare comes from laboratory studies of well-mixed communities. To overcome this limitation, we manipulated two killer strains of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, expressing different toxins, to independently control the rate at which they released their toxins. We developed mathematical models that predict the experimental dynamics of competition between toxin-producing strains in both well-mixed and spatially structured populations. In both situations, we experimentally verified theory's prediction that a stronger antagonist can invade a weaker one only if the initial invading population exceeds a critical frequency or size. Finally, we found that toxin-resistant cells and weaker killers arose in spatially structured competitions between toxin-producing strains, suggesting that adaptive evolution can affect the outcome of microbial antagonism in spatial settings.
Severine Atis, Bryan T Weinstein, Andrew W Murray, and David R. Nelson. 11/15/2021. “Rocket yeast.” Physical Review Fluids, 6, 11, Pp. 110507-110510. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper is associated with a video winner of a 2020 American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) Milton van Dyke Award for work presented at the DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion.
Marco Fumasoni and Andrew W Murray. 11/9/2021. “Ploidy and recombination proficiency shape the evolutionary adaptation to constitutive DNA replication stress.” PLOS Genetics, 17, 11. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In haploid budding yeast, evolutionary adaptation to constitutive DNA replication stress alters three genome maintenance modules: DNA replication, the DNA damage checkpoint, and sister chromatid cohesion. We asked how these trajectories depend on genomic features by comparing the adaptation in three strains: haploids, diploids, and recombination deficient haploids. In all three, adaptation happens within 1000 generations at rates that are correlated with the initial fitness defect of the ancestors. Mutations in individual genes are selected at different frequencies in populations with different genomic features, but the benefits these mutations confer are similar in the three strains, and combinations of these mutations reproduce the fitness gains of evolved populations. Despite the differences in the selected mutations, adaptation targets the same three functional modules despite differences in genomic features, revealing a common evolutionary response to constitutive DNA replication stress.

Sriram Srikant, Rachelle Gaudet, and Andrew W Murray. 9/28/2021. “Beyond the reach of homology: successive computational filters find yeast pheromone genes.” bioRxiv. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The mating of fungi depends on pheromones that mediate communication between two mating types. Most species use short peptides as pheromones, which are either unmodified (e.g., α-factor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) or C-terminally farnesylated (e.g., a-factor in S. cerevisiae). Peptide pheromones have been found by genetics or biochemistry in small number of fungi, but their short sequences and modest conservation make it impossible to detect homologous sequences in most species. To overcome this problem, we used a four-step computational pipeline to identify candidate a-factor genes in sequenced genomes of the Saccharomycotina, the fungal clade that contains most of the yeasts: we require that candidate genes have a C-terminal prenylation motif, are fewer than 100 amino acids long, contain a proteolytic processing motif upstream of the potential mature pheromone sequence, and that closely related species contain highly conserved homologs of the potential mature pheromone sequence. Additional manual curation exploits the observation that many species carry more than one a-factor gene, encoding identical or nearly identical pheromones. From 332 fungal genomes, we identified strong candidate pheromone genes in 238 genomes, covering 13 clades that are separated from each other by at least 100 million years, the time required for evolution to remove detectable sequence homology. For one small clade, the Yarrowia, we demonstrated that our algorithm found the a-factor genes: deleting all four related genes in the a-mating type of Yarrowia lipolytica prevents mating.
Felix Barber, Jiseon Min, Andrew W. Murray, and Ariel Amir. 6/21/2021. “Modeling the impact of single-cell stochasticity and size control on the population growth rate in asymmetrically dividing cells.” PLOS Computational Biology, 17, 6. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Microbial populations show striking diversity in cell growth morphology and lifecycle; however, our understanding of how these factors influence the growth rate of cell populations remains limited. We use theory and simulations to predict the impact of asymmetric cell division, cell size regulation and single-cell stochasticity on the population growth rate. Our model predicts that coarse-grained noise in the single-cell growth rate decreases the population growth rate, as previously seen for symmetrically dividing cells. However, for a given noise in the single-cell growth rate we find that dividing asymmetrically can enhance the population growth rate for cells with strong size control (between a sizer and an adder). To reconcile this finding with the abundance of symmetrically dividing organisms in nature, we propose that additional constraints on cell growth and division must be present which are not included in our model, and we explore the effects of selected extensions thereof. Further, we find that within our model, epigenetically inherited generation times may arise due to size control in asymmetrically dividing cells, providing a possible explanation for recent experimental observations in budding yeast. Taken together, our findings provide insight into the complex effects generated by non-canonical growth morphologies.
Marco Fumasoni and Andrew Murray. 12/18/2020. “Genome architecture shapes evolutionary adaptation to DNA replication stress.” bioRxiv. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Evolutionary adaptation to perturbations in DNA replication follows reproducible trajectories that lead to changes in three important aspects of genome maintenance: DNA replication, the DNA damage checkpoint, and sister chromatid cohesion. We asked how these trajectories depend on a population's genome architecture by testing whether ploidy or the ability to perform homologous recombination influence the evolutionary fate of the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as it adapts to constitutive DNA replication stress, a condition that characterizes many cancer cells. In all three genome architectures, adaptation happens within 1000 generations at rates that are linearly correlated with the initial fitness defect of the ancestors. Which genes are mutated depends on the frequency at which mutations occur and the selective advantage they confer. The recombination-deficient strain amplifies adaptive chromosomal regions less often, whereas the selective advantage of loss-of-function mutations, such as those that inactivate the DNA damage checkpoint, is reduced in diploids because of the presence of a second, wild-type copy of the gene. Despite these differences, selection targets the same three functional modules in all three architectures, suggesting that genome architecture controls which genes are mutated but not which modules are modified.

Caroline M. Weisman, Andrew W. Murray, and Sean R. Eddy. 11/2/2020. “Many, but not all, lineage-specific genes can be explained by homology detection failure.” PLOS Biology. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Genes for which homologs can be detected only in a limited group of evolutionarily

related species, called “lineage-specific genes,” are pervasive: essentially every

lineage has them, and they often comprise a sizable fraction of the group’s total genes.

Lineage-specific genes are often interpreted as “novel” genes, representing genetic

novelty born anew within that lineage. Here, we develop a simple method to test an

alternative null hypothesis: that lineage-specific genes do have homologs outside of

the lineage that, even while evolving at a constant rate in a novelty-free manner, have

merely become undetectable by search algorithms used to infer homology. We show

that this null hypothesis is sufficient to explain the lack of detected homologs of a large

number of lineage-specific genes in fungi and insects. However, we also find that a

minority of lineage-specific genes in both clades are not well-explained by this noveltyfree

model. The method provides a simple way of identifying which lineage-specific

genes call for special explanations beyond homology detection failure, highlighting

them as interesting candidates for further study.

Laura E. Bagamery, Quincey A. Justman, Ethan C. Garner, and Andrew W. Murray. 9/24/2020. “A putative bet hedging strategy buffers budding yeast against environmental instability.” Current Biology. Publisher's VersionAbstract

To grow and divide, cells must extract resources from dynamic and unpredictable environments. Many organisms use different metabolic strategies for distinct contexts. Budding yeast can produce ATP from carbon sources by mechanisms that prioritize either speed (fermentation) or yield (respiration). Withdrawing glucose from exponentially growing cells reveals variability in their ability to switch from fermentation to respiration. We observe two subpopulations of glucose-starved cells: recoverers, which rapidly adapt and resume growth, and arresters, which enter a shock state characterized by deformation of many cellular structures, including mitochondria. These states are heritable, and on high glucose, arresters grow and divide faster than recoverers. Recoverers have a fitness advantage during a carbon source shift but are less fit in a constant, high-glucose environment, and we observe natural variation in the frequency of the two states across wild yeast strains. These experiments suggest that bet hedging has evolved in budding yeast.

Felix Barber, Ariel Amir, and Andrew W Murray. 6/9/2020. “Cell size regulation in budding yeast does not depend on linear accumulation of Whi5.” PNAS, 117, 25. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Cells must couple cell cycle progress to their growth rate to restrict the spread of cell sizes present throughout a population. Linear, rather than exponential, accumulation of Whi5, was proposed to provide this coordination by causing a higher Whi5 concentration in cells born at smaller size. We tested this model using the inducible GAL1 promoter to make the Whi5 concentration independent of cell size. At an expression level that equalizes the mean cell size with that of wild-type cells, the size distributions of cells with galactose-induced Whi5 expression and wild-type cells are indistinguishable. Fluorescence microscopy confirms that the endogenous and GAL1 promoters produce different relationships between Whi5 concentration and cell volume without diminishing size control in the G1 phase. We also expressed Cln3 from the GAL1 promoter, finding that the spread in cell sizes for an asynchronous population is unaffected by this perturbation. Our findings contradict the previously proposed model for cell size control in budding yeast and demonstrate the need for a molecular mechanism that explains how cell size controls passage through Start.
Madhusudhan Srinivasan, Marco Fumasoni, Naomi J Petela, Andrew W Murray, and Kim A Nasmyth. 6/9/2020. “Cohesion is established during DNA replication by converting pre-existing chromosomal cohesin into cohesive structures as well as by de novo loading of cohesin onto nascent DNAs.” eLife. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Sister chromatid cohesion essential for mitotic chromosome segregation is thought to involve the co-entrapment of sister DNAs within cohesin rings. Though cohesin can load onto chromosomes throughout the cell cycle, it normally only builds cohesion during S phase. A key question is whether cohesion is generated by conversion of cohesin complexes associate with un-replicated DNAs ahead of replication forks into cohesive structures behind them, or from nucleoplasmic cohesin that is loaded de novo onto nascent DNAs associated with forks, a process that would be dependent on cohesin’s Scc2 subunit. We show here that in S. cerevisiae, both mechanisms exist and that each requires a different set of non-essential replisome-associated proteins. Cohesion produced by cohesin conversion requires Tof1/Csm3, Ctf4 and Chl1 (TCCC) but not Scc2 while that created by Scc2-dependent de novo loading at replication forks requires the Ctf18-RFC complex. Though inactivation of either pathway individually merely reduces the efficiency of cohesion establishment, simultaneous inactivation resembles the effect of cohesin ablation and is lethal. The association of specific replisome proteins with different types of cohesion establishment opens the way to a mechanistic understanding of an aspect of DNA replication unique to eukaryotic cells.

Andrew W Murray. 5/18/2020. “Can gene-inactivating mutations lead to evolutionary novelty?” Current Biology, 30, 10, Pp. R465. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Evolutionary novelty is difficult to define. It typically involves shifts in organismal or biochemical phenotypes that can be seen as qualitative as well as quantitative changes. In laboratory-based experimental evolution of novel phenotypes and the human domestication of crops, the majority of the mutations that lead to adaptation are loss of function mutations that impair or eliminate the function of genes rather than gain of function mutations that increase or qualitatively alter the function of proteins. I speculate that easier access to loss of function mutations has led them to play a major role in the adaptive radiations that occur when populations have access to many unoccupied ecological niches. I discuss four possible objections to this claim: that genes can only survive if they confer benefits to the organisms that bear them, antagonistic pleiotropy, the importance of pre-existing genetic variation in populations, and the danger that adaptation by breaking genes will, over long times, cause organisms to run out of genes.

Thomas LaBar, Yu-Ying Phoebe Hsieh, Marco Fumasoni, and Andrew W Murray. 5/18/2020. “Evolutionary repair experiments as a window to the molecular diversity of life.” Current Biology, 30, 10, Pp. R565. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Comparative genomics reveals an unexpected diversity in the molecular mechanisms underlying conserved cellular functions, such as DNA replication and cytokinesis. However, the genetic bases and evolutionary processes underlying this “molecular diversity” remain to be explained. Here, we review a tool to generate alternative mechanisms for conserved cellular functions and test hypotheses concerning the generation of molecular diversity: evolutionary repair experiments, in which laboratory microbial populations adapt in response to a genetic perturbation. We summarize the insights gained from evolutionary repair experiments, the spectrum and dynamics of compensatory mutations, and the alternative molecular mechanisms used to repair perturbed cellular functions. We relate these experiments to the modifications of conserved functions that have occurred outside the laboratory. We propose experimental strategies, especially those that establish a quantitative understanding of compensatory mutations and alternative molecular mechanisms, to improve evolutionary repair as a tool to explore the molecular diversity of life.

Andrew Murray. 5/18/2020. “My Word: The easy way is hard enuff.” Current Biology, 30, 10, Pp. R419. Publisher's Version
Sriram Srikant, Rachelle Gaudet, and Andrew W Murray. 3/26/2020. “Selecting for altered substrate specificity reveals the evolutionary flexibility of ATP-binding cassette transporters.” Current Biology, 30, Pp. 1-14. Publisher's VersionAbstract
ABC transporters are the largest family of ATP-hydrolyzing transporters, with members in every sequenced genome, which transport substrates across membranes. Structural studies and biochemistry highlight the contrast between the global structural similarity of homologous transporters and the enormous diversity of their substrates. How do ABC transporters evolve to carry such diverse molecules and what variations in their amino acid sequence alter their substrate selectivity? We mutagenized the transmembrane domains of a conserved fungal ABC transporter that exports a mating pheromone and selected for mutants that export a non-cognate pheromone. Mutations that alter export selectivity cover a region that is larger than expected for a localized substrate-binding site. Individual selected clones have multiple mutations which have broadly additive contributions to specific transport activity. Our results suggest that multiple positions influence substrate selectivity, leading to alternative evolutionary paths towards selectivity for particular substrates, and explaining the number and diversity of ABC transporters.
Yu-Ying Phoebe Hsieh, Vasso Makrantoni, Daniel Robertson, Adele L Marston, and Andrew W Murray. 3/10/2020. “Evolutionary repair: changes in multiple functional modules allow meiotic cohesin to support mitosis.” PLOS Biology, 18, 3. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Different members of the same protein family often perform distinct cellular functions. How much are these differing functions due to changes in the biochemical activity of a protein itself versus changes in other proteins? We asked how the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, evolves when forced to use the meiosis-specific kleisin, Rec8, instead of the mitotic kleisin, Scc1, during the mitotic cell cycle. This perturbation impairs sister chromosome linkage and reduces reproductive fitness by 45%. We evolved 15 populations for 1750 generations, substantially increasing their fitness, and analyzed their genotypes and phenotypes. We found no mutations in Rec8, but many populations had mutations in the transcriptional mediator complex, cohesin-related genes, and cell cycle regulators that induce S phase. These mutations improve sister chromosome cohesion and slow genome replication in Rec8-expressing cells. We conclude that changes in known and novel partners allow proteins to improve their ability to perform new functions.
